
023 Heemstede advertorial - Het Heemsteedse bedrijf Just in Time Business Communications maakt een eenmalige uitstap naar de modewereld.

Het collector's item Fashion beschrijft en laat creaties zien van onder andere Poiret, Pucci, Doucet, Dior, Vionnet en Valentino. Het boek is Engelstalig net als de onderstaande beschrijving.


In this magnificent COLLECTION of the most iconic dresses of the twentieth century, Valerie Steele flexes her curatorial muscle. From Poiret to Pucci, Doucet to Dior, Vionnet to Valentino, she selects the 100 dresses that caused a stir on the runway or as they entered a room and ultimately inspired a new direction in fashion. Steele’s selections include Fortuny’s streamlined Delphos gown circa 1907, Madame Grès’s sublimely draped goddess creations from 1938, Issey Miyake’s 1982 evening ensemble with a rattan top that appeared on the cover of ArtForum, and Hussein Chalayan’s awe-inspiring table skirt from 2000. The COLLECTION, while certainly subjective, is sure to receive nods of recognition, along with a gasp (or two) of surprise. 
This book comes with an exclusive and complimentary Assouline canvas tote bag.

About the author

Valerie Steele (PhD, Yale University) is director and chief curator of the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology (MFIT). Having curated more than twenty exhibitions in the past ten years, Dr. Steele also serves as editor in chief ofFashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, which she founded in 1997. She has appeared on many television shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show and Undressed.The Washington Post describes her as one of "fashion's brainiest women," and she was included in the New York Daily News list of "Fashion’s 50 Most Powerful.


A video is available on the website giving the reader a professional overview of this magnificent collection of dresses of the 20th century.


14 x 17 in – 35.5 x 42 cm
144 pages | 100 illustrations
Hand-bound limited edition with color plates in a linen clamshell case
Price: $ 845,00

Important information

We are aware that certain on-line discounters, including Amazon, may have The Impossible COLLECTIONS of Fashion listed for sale at a discount. However, please be advised that we do not supply nor sell The Impossible COLLECTIONS of Fashion to these online discounters and though they may take your pre-order, you will not receive the book from them.

Information and orders

Just in Time Business Communications
Jos de Jong
Cruquiushaven 17, 2102 LX  Heemstede, Holland
Tel: +31-(0)23 – 529.1486  Mob: +31 (0)6-5187.5226
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